23 October, 2024

Площадь вновь возникшего пожара во Фрязине увеличилась до 100 "квадратов"

Площадь вновь возникшего пожара во Фрязине увеличилась до 100 "квадратов"
25.06.2024 22:03

This was reported by TASS with reference to a source in the emergency services. The agency's interlocutor clarified that the rescuers have already started extinguishing the fire. According to him, the fire broke out on the very top, technical floor. The fire was noticed again in the building of the former Research Institute "Platan" that burned down the day before on the evening of June 25. The new ignition could have occurred due to the rising wind, which fanned the smoldering hotspot. On Monday, June 24, the fire engulfed seven floors of an eight-story building, spreading over an area of 5,000 square meters. The open fire was extinguished on the same day in the evening, but the firefighters managed to completely put out the fire only closer to noon on June 25.

According to official data, 6 people died as a result of the fire, two of whom fell out of the window. Some media outlets, however, reported that the number of fatalities could be 8 people. In addition, one person was injured in the fire and is in intensive care. The Investigative Committee of the Moscow Region has opened a criminal case into the deaths of these people. One of the reasons for the fire mentioned by the investigators was a malfunction in the electrical wiring.